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A WAFv2 web ACL should have at least one rule or rule group

Severity: Medium

Resource Types: AWS::WAFv2::WebACL


This control checks whether a WAFV2 web access control list (web ACL) contains at least one WAF rule or WAF rule group. The control fails if a web ACL does not contain any WAF rules or rule groups.

A web ACL gives you fine-grained control over all of the HTTP(S) web requests that your protected resource responds to. A web ACL should contain a collection of rules and rule groups that inspect and control web requests. If a web ACL is empty, the web traffic can pass without being detected or acted upon by WAF depending on the default action.


To add rules or rule groups to an empty WAFV2 web ACL, see Editing a Web ACL in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.